Letter to Family & Friends

              dove flying ict                                                 LETTER TO FAMILY & FRIENDS


Dear Family,
This letter is to reassure you and  my friends that I have grown in my spiritual walk with The Most High God  YHVH   and  my Savior Jesus The Christ .  It is because of my spiritual growth,  methodical research  and respect I now call them by their proper names.  In Psalms 68:4  King David  said  the Most High God's name is "Yah"    which means I Exist.     He should know since he was king of Israel for 40 years. 
I now  call  Jesus by his proper Hebrew name Yahusha which means Savior.   The letter J wasn't invented  until  1,400 years after he died.  He said: “If you continue in my word you are my disciple indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” John 8:32. I took his advice read the bible researched and studied until I found the truth and now I am on the road to freedom.   This is the  change you see  in me.
I found out what Martin L. King meant when he said “I been to the mountain top and looked over and seen the promise land; I may not get there with you but we as a people will get there.” What was he talking about? He was talking about our return to our true home land.
I found out what Malcolm X meant when he said “We are the valley of dry bones”.  What was he talking about?  He was talking about our people waking up as prophesied in Ezekiel 37:1-14. 
Neither one of them are any longer with us.  Why?  because it is the biggest best kept secret in history and the key to our true freedom.
They realized that we are the Hebrew Israelites of the bible. We are the ones who spent 40 years wondering through the desert with Moses. The bible is  all about us and our ancestors and it is our  "History Book."
I found out that I am not a nigger, colored, black or African American. In fact the Africans had us in slavery in Egypt for 230 years. Haven’t you noticed  how the majority of them  disassociate themselves from us.  They can get businesses and stores that we can not.  Why? We are different nations.
The reason we think we are African is because we fled there in 70A.D.  until the time of our captivity in 1620.  So we lived in Africa for  1,550 years.   However it is not our original home land.  When we came to American everything we learned about religion was from our captors.  Everything we had known was beaten out until we were destroyed which is prophesy in itself according ( Deuteronomy 28:20) of us to be reprogrammed into the new system.  Oh but we  were taught that the book of Deuteronomy didn’t apply to us . When in truth especially Deuteronomy Chapter 28 is all about us.
Our forefather Jacob ‘s name was changed to Israel.  In actuality Israel is a people not a place.  Jacob  give birth to the 12 Tribes of Israel who Yah intended to be a light unto the world and teach the other nations how to live righteously.
But, Nooo… instead we started following their ways and their gods. We hurt our Most High God. Notice how he made it the FIRST Commandment: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3)
So now after all we have been through the slavery, jim crow, lynchings, name calling now execution for minor traffic violations.
There are  churches on every corner.  I have been to  all of them Evangelical, Baptist, Pentecostal, Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, Non Denominational, Messianic, etc.
Why  are we  are still marching in the streets, deprived of wealth , low employment rate, relying on government assistance and no justice?
Why? Clearly something is wrong.
What is it?
The Most High God “Yahuah” turned his face against us (Deuteronomy 31:17-18) and threw us into captivity and slavery
He had us enslaved by our enemies. Throughout the centuries Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and most recently he threw us head first on to Slave Ships via the  The Transatlantic most notedly America from 1619- Present. Deuteronomy 28:68
Why? We were  not following his laws, statues, commandments. " Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."  Ecclesiastes 12:13) And we were busy following every other god that came along instead of leading the nations to ours.
Ok, so how do I fix it? The only way out is to keep His laws, statues and commandments.  That is the measuring stick he judges us by.
But my Pastor  said  I was  saved by grace. Yes, but grace is for people who sin and repent. What is sin?  Sin is the breaking the commandments.
We went to church on Sunday,  fed the homeless,  visited someone in prison, and gave money to the church....
Why would  Yahusha say :   “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” Matthew 7:23.
It is because we are not doing what he asked us to do. Following the fourth commandment  for example:  “Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy”    he said to this forever. Most Christians never even heard of the Sabbath (strike one).  So sin is the breaking of the law. If you break it and repent then you are saved by grace.
Yah  asked us not to eat pork and scavengers. Why? because pork has worms in it and the salt hardens our arteries and causes heart problems and death. Did you notice the first thing slave owners gave us when we came to America was pig feet and chitterlings. The majority of them knew who we were and our dietary laws. As a result any church goers and their pastors are suffering and dying from over weight and diabetes and heart attacks.
"For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered."  Isaiah 29:10
We forgot who were were.  That is why he said Remember the Sabbath because he know we  would forget.   We are kings and queens princes and princesses.
Although I might not go to church with you much if at all. I might not celebrate easter bunnies in honor of the goddess of fertility, Christmas which is Nimrod's birthday or halloween to honor  the devil.  I will be celebrating the Passover and the other few feast days established by our Most High God.
It does not matter  what the world is doing; who is elected Into office or what programs the governments cut.  My hope, faith and life is in the hands of our Almighty God “Yah” and he precious son Yahusha HaMashiach. The clock is ticking August 20, 2019 ends our 400 year captivity he in America.
I am asking for your continued love and understanding...
Your Loved One
Hallelu-YAH (means Praise you Yah)



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